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Monday to Saturday 9 am  to   6 pm

Sundays and Bank Holidays   Closed


Help and Advice
Prescription Delivery
Repeat Prescriptions

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Re-order repeat prescriptions by telephone, during our opening hours. Telephone us on the number above or request medication through the patient access app as well.


“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

What can I expect from my local pharmacy?

All pharmacies in England and Wales offer the following:

Dispensing: When you give your prescription to a pharmacist, they will use the information on this to get your medicines.

Repeat dispensing: This service allows you to collect your regular repeat prescription medicines directly from your pharmacy for an agreed period of time. You will need to give your GP permission for them to share information with your local pharmacy. When you need a prescription you then get your medicines directly from your pharmacist without having to go to your GP.

Disposal of unwanted medicines: If you have any unused medicines at your home, you can take them to your pharmacist who will dispose of them safely.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles: Did you know your pharmacist can provide you with advice and tips on keeping healthy such as stopping smoking, how to eat healthily and how to get enough exercise. You may also be able to get leaflets and written information to help you make healthier choices. Pharmacies may also take part in local health promotion campaigns such as taking care in the sun.

Signposting to other services: If your pharmacist thinks you need additional help from other healthcare professionals, social services or voluntary organisations, they can provide you with contact details.

Support for self-care: Pharmacists, like other healthcare professionals want to make sure that you can look after yourself and your family. Your pharmacy can help you to do this by giving advice on treating minor ailments like coughs and colds or long term conditions such as asthma and diabetes